Dear Parents 👩👧👨👦
I had this humble request in one of our initial post and some of your are doing very well keeping me posted but not all of you - hence the request once more to you to read and understand, please 🙏🏼
I kindly ask you all that in the future, please notify me, if your child can’t attend a class. Instead of asking before each class who is coming, our default scenario from now on is that everybody on the register is part of our class. I would like to know, when someone cannot make it.
Thank you very much for your understanding!
I currently have the following objects that were left in our spot in Flamingo Park. Please let me know, if one of these belong to your child. Thank you!
I only added Valentina's water bottle as a good example to all of you to follow. Her name label makes it very easy for me to return it to her.
Rhythmic gymnastics classes in Flamingo Park on Thursdays
I happily announce that our rhythmic classes are re-scheduled in Flamingo Park for Thursday afternoon.
Our schedule is the following:
4:00-4:45PM 3-6 y/o girls
5:00-6:00PM 6-10+ y/o girls
To be able to start these classes you have to sign up your daughter at the following link:
We can only have these classes going, once there's enough registrants.
Thank you very much for your understanding!
New baby gym afternoon class
Another happy announcement is that we have an afternoon baby class scheduled now.
Location: Flamingo Park
Day: Monday
Time: 3:30-4:00PM
To be able to start these classes you have to sign up your child at the following link:
We can only have these classes going, once there's enough registrants.
Thank you very much for your understanding!