Viktoria has had an interest in photography since her age of 11, when she started taking snaps with her first compact camera. She applied her enthusiasm into her background - rhythmic gymnastics, which made her fall in love with capturing beautiful shapes. 1997-1999 she studied photography in Budapest, Hungary. This only made her more curious to learn how to be technically highly skilled and fulfill her dreams - sharing her visions through her photographs.
In 2004 Viktoria moved to London to widen her horizon in the UK industry. During the decade spent there she assisted numerous great photographers, worked as a creative digital technician and built up her own shooting style.
With her high technical knowledge, precision and artistic approach Viktoria's aim is to deliver meaningful still imagery of beautiful emotions and movements.
Since 2015 Viktoria has primarily worked as a family photographer between Budapest and Miami; doing sports photography assignments on the side and other personal projects of her liking.